Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Cookbook a Day - Bernardin's Complete Book of Home Preserving

Hi folks,

Today's #cookbookaday post is a wee bit of a cheat. I'm taking a break from the kitchen today as we are heading out to see one of dearly beloved's friends play at the Options Jazz Lounge at the Brookstreet Hotel. Date Night! Woo hoo!

So instead of sharing a cookbook I used today, I'm sharing a cookbook that has seen a LOT of use over the last few weeks. My Bernardin Complete Book of Home Preserving.

Believe me, there are a LOT of stained pages in this book! Here's one of them!

I haven't made salsa in quite a few years. But since I had purchased 75lbs of tomatoes just before Labour Day weekend I figured it was high time that our canning shelves were once again graced with home made salsa. The one change you will see noted in the recipe is that I use red onions.

So....I made salsa. Lots and lots of salsa. Below is just TWO of the pots I made.

Of course, I didn't stop at just two pots. I actually made four. The first two pots used jalapeno peppers but for the next round I used an assortment of peppers from our garden.

When your peppers look this tasty, how can you not?

So - we're stocked with salsa now for a little while!

Tell me, do you make any home preserves? If so, what do YOU like to can? I do everything - I both water bath AND pressure can. So, jams, jellies, pickles, stew, chili, curry, tomatoes, tomato sauce. The list goes on.

Thanks for stopping by again today!

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